Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Blast From The Past

Just browsing Amazon and came across the complete series box set of Dawson's Creek for an amazing price of £59! I've been re watching episodes of this late nighties classic on Five the last couple of weeks and have been fondly reminising over the things I loved about the show back when! OK so the "kids" dialogue may engage in what sounds like manic hyperbolic outbursts at the best of times and a load of old bollocks at the worst, but the show really had something. Treating the characters with self awareness and respect meant they never felt two dimensional and while most will dismiss the show as simple teen soap, I would fight hammer and tooth with anyone who would compare the Creek to the over stylised, emptiness of the O.C, although I will take this moment to admit that even the O.C had it's moments of genius! If this is a show that passed you by, or you were too young to appreciate it when it aired, do yourselves a favour and snap this up!

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